WinDi User Agreement

By registering with WinDi, you agree to our Privacy Policy and agree to:

  • Not to use the WinDi software (hereinafter referred to as the "Software") as a whole and its individual features for spamming or deceiving users;
  • Not to incite violence and/or engage in other unlawful activities using the Software;
  • Do not use or distribute offensive or inappropriate content using the Program;
  • Not to post (or distribute, etc.) illegal pornographic content using the Software;
  • Understand that we are not responsible for any content accessed through the Software. You agree that you are solely responsible and that we have no liability to you or any third party for your use of the Software;
  • Understand that we may cease (permanently or temporarily) providing the Software (or any features within the Software) to you or users in general at our discretion, without prior notice to you. You agree that if we disable access to the Software, you may be denied access to it as a whole or to certain features of the Software;
  • Use the Software only for purposes permitted by this User Agreement.

We reserve the right to make changes and additions to this User Agreement in the future.

We provide you with access to the Software in accordance with this User Agreement. Do not use the Software if you do not accept this User Agreement. By using the Software, you confirm your agreement to this User Agreement.

WinDi is a program with a wide range of features, including the ability to set and monitor personal tasks, exchange messages, information, and various file data between users, and other capabilities. All these features are provided for free. Additional paid services may be available in some countries, including the WinDi Premium subscription, which enhances the functionality of the Software and allows users to access advanced features of the Software.

1. WinDi Premium Terms of Use

WinDi Premium is a paid service that grants access to additional features and/or enhanced capabilities of the basic functions of the Software. By subscribing to the paid service WinDi Premium, you agree to monthly or yearly charges to be deducted in favor of MANGO FZCO company (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") via the payment method chosen by you, until the subscription is canceled by you or the Company.

Payment for paid services is made through third-party payment systems.

The list of services included in WinDi Premium ("Premium Services") is presented in the Profile > Premium section. The Company may periodically add new services to this list. The Company may also exclude existing Premium Services from it if their provision becomes impossible due to legal or technical reasons. Additionally, some Premium Services may become free for all WinDi users in the future.

For some Premium Services, it may be necessary to install the latest version of the Software on your device. In some cases, users to whom you are writing may also need to install the latest version of the Software to view information sent by you using Premium Services.

1.1. Payment

You can subscribe to WinDi Premium services in the Profile > Premium section within the WinDi application. The usage period of paid services begins upon payment and receipt offunds by the Company.

In some regions, local taxes may be applicable to users. In such cases, the total payment amount is increased by the calculated amount of these taxes. Payment systems may impose their own fees and determine the exchange rate when paying in foreign currencies. The Company cannot influence this.

1.2. Changes in Cost and Terms of Use

The Company reserves the right, upon renewal of the paid services you have subscribed to, to unilaterally update these terms of the User Agreement and the applicable tariffs to reflect changes in the Company's activities or economic conditions, new product and service offerings, and other factors.

All notices of any significant changes will be sent through WinDi's system notifications.

1.3. Cancellation of Paid Services Renewal

After cancellation, the paid services you have subscribed to will continue to be effective until the end of the current paid period; no compensation or refund will be provided for the remaining paid period. Upon expiration of the paid services, access to all WinDi Premium features and capabilities will be suspended.

The renewal of paid services is not automatically canceled upon deletion of the account in the Software or removal of the WinDi application from the device

1.4. Termination of Paid Services Provision

The Company reserves the right to terminate the provision of paid services at any time, including due to unforeseen circumstances beyond its control or legal requirements. No compensation or refund will be provided in such cases.

Failure to comply with the WinDi User Agreement and/or WinDi Privacy Policy may result in temporary or permanent account suspension in WinDi or restriction of certain features. In such cases, you may lose access to WinDi Premium benefits without any compensation from the Company.

2. Taxes and Associated Expenses

You are responsible for paying all applicable taxes, fees for telecommunications services and internet access, as well as any other expenses associated with your use of all WinDi functions. In general, amounts paid for purchases and all associated expenses are non-refundable.

3. Availability

The Company does not guarantee that the Software as a whole or its functions will operate uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected. The Company makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or suitability of use of the Software. The Software is provided on an "as is" basis. You agree that you use the Software solely at your own risk.

The Company shall not be liable to you for any damages of any kind arising from your use or inability to use the Software.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

The Software (in whole or its individual components) is protected by copyright and other laws relating to intellectual property. The Software cannot be copied (including its code), sold, resold, or otherwise unlawfully used outside the terms of this User Agreement without the explicit written consent of the Software's Copyright Holder.

WinDi Privacy Policy